What is CBN Cannabinol?
With more than 100 naturally-occurring cannabinoids found in the hemp plant, researchers are beginning to uncover the function of countless compounds. While CBD has drawn the most interest from consumers and concentrate companies, other cannabinoids may also have something to offer.
One of CBD’s cousins that’s sparking excitement is cannabinol (CBN). It’s a close relative of both CBD and THC. However, many consumers still aren’t entirely sure what CBN, what effects it may have, or how it functions in a full-spectrum concentrate.
CBN Background and Effects
CBN is produced when THC is exposed to air, causing it to decompose. This process, called oxidation, occurs when a substance like THC gives one of its electrons away to something else. In this case, THC is giving its electrons to the air surrounding it, creating CBN. This is the same chemical reaction that causes rust to build up on iron. Because THC oxidizes into CBN over time, CBN is typically found in aged cannabis or hemp.
CBN vs. CBD – What’s the Difference?
Both CBD and CBN are cannabinoids. As members of the same chemical family, they share some common traits. They’re both found exclusively in hemp plants. In addition, all vertebrates have cannabinoid receptors that these organic compounds affect, including fish and other underwater life.
CBN’s Role in Concentrates
Because CBN is so effective at strengthening the effects of other cannabinoids, it’s often used to amplify concentrates. Another type of organic compounds called terpenes have a similar role in concentrates.
CBN is naturally-occurring in the hemp plant. As a result, any full-spectrum concentrates will contain some CBN. That includes our nu-x® products. Some broad-spectrum concentrates may also naturally contain CBN. Isolates won’t ever contain any CBN – any isolate only contains pure CBD.